Got cellulite? Try skin rolling!

Cellulite is your worst ennemy if you're looking for a smoothe and toned figure. Show no pity, thanks to the technique of skin rolling.
How can skin rolling beat cellulite?
First, you need to know that there are 3 different sorts of cellulite.
1. Aqueous cellulite
This is principally due to heightened water retention and, consequently, to venous and lymphatic circulation problems.
This type of cellulite principally resides in the buttocks, thighs, stomach, arms, etc.
2. Adipose cellulite
This type of cellulite is generally caused by a lack of physical activity and a poor diet. It is manifested by an excess of stored fat, easily recognisable from the softness when you press the skin.
3. Fibrous cellulite
This last one is the hardest, most painful and most difficult to get rid of without going to a healthcare specialist. Once established, it is generally found on the outside of the thighs and the inside of the knees.
If you have identified your cellulite as one of the first two types, we advise you to change your diet to include products and dishes associated with spring.
Find out how to lose those extra winter pounds
But that’s not all - we also recommend using the technique of skin rolling.
What exactly is skin rolling?
Skin rolling is a massage technique that stimulates lymphatic and venous circulation, while also dislodging fatty tissues.
This massage technique consists of pinching the skin while rolling it between the fingertips. The subcutaneous tissues are kneaded to enable the fat in fatty cells to be removed and lymphatic and venous circulation to be stimulated.
It is entirely possible to practise skin rolling on yourself using your hands.
To do so, we suggest 3 massage techniques to regain the figure of your dreams!
Practise skin rolling by combining a hand massage with a massage device.
If you are impatient to see a real improvement with a lasting result, combining your manual massage with a massage device such as the Skin Mass is recommended. The big benefit of the Skin Mass is that it combines the skin rolling technique with the suction method. This combination of methods is a more effective way of firming up your body.