Extended delivery times
Dear customer, due to disruptions and targeted strike actions at our logistics partner bpost, there may be a delay of a few days in the delivery of your order. Thank you for your understanding.
We apologize for this slight inconvenience.

My house, my cocoon

  1. How to prepare your bedroom for a good night’s sleep

    How to prepare your bedroom for a good night’s sleep
    A good night's sleep is one of the most effective remedies for many ailments. But sleeping well is not something you can improvise! If you’re a light sleeper and have difficulty falling asleep, it’s important to create small soothing rituals and make your room the perfect place for a peaceful night’
  2. Looking after our feet to cope with winter in comfort

    Looking after our feet to cope with winter in comfort
    Slowly, the cold settles down with its share of unpleasant effects, like dampness that inevitably leads to wet feet and frozen toes... Without ever really warming up, you are forced to wear thick socks in shoes that are too tight... In short, all the conditions you need to encourage the appearance o
  3. How to relieve the muscular tension associated with everyday life

    How to relieve the muscular tension associated with everyday life
    Once you have come to the end of your challenges for the day, something tells us you need a cosy, comfortable evening... You feel the need to relax, breathe out and get rid of the painful muscular tension your body has built up!All too often, our response is to take medication to get rid of the pain
  4. Our well-being gift ideas for Christmas

    Our well-being gift ideas for Christmas
    Do you want to make a big impression this year when the presents are opened, and surprise your loved ones with gifts that will really do them good? The bigger the family, the more stockings hanging over the fireplace! So you need to come up with some good gift ideas to stop Christmas becoming a big
  5. Heat and its many benefits. You would be wrong to do without it

    Heat and its many benefits. You would be wrong to do without it
    There’s no getting away from it - the warmth of those mild, sunny days is a thing of the past. The drop in temperature makes us want to take refuge under the duvet. When our mood takes a dive, certain ailments start re-emerging. We could let it get us down, but there is a natural remedy that can hel