My health

  1. How to get back into a good sleeping pattern before the end of the holidays

    How to get back into a good sleeping pattern before the end of the holidays
    The summer holidays are a time for everyone to relax - including our little ones! To slip back into your old routine calmly, it is important to get back to a regular sleeping pattern. Take a look at our advice for doing so! 5 tips for a regular sleeping pattern To get to sleep, it is important
  2. Why family yoga is a great idea!

    Why family yoga is a great idea!
    Summer is already well under way, but there are still a few weeks left before the end of the holidays. You're done with visiting zoos and amusement parks, and now you're looking for something original and healthy to do to make the most of your time together as a family... Thought about yoga? Family
  3. Heavy legs alert - how to prevent the symptoms and relieve them effectively!

    Heavy legs alert - how to prevent the symptoms and relieve them effectively!
    Does summer for you mean painful, swollen legs rather than sunshine and the beach? The return of the hot weather and having the sun on our legs encourages dilation of the veins. Blood circulation slows down, the blood stagnates, your legs swell up and you feel a strong sensation of heaviness... But
  4. Staying calm and focused at work -It can be done

    Staying calm and focused at work -It can be done
    Sometimes, if not often, it is hard to stay focused at work. The to-do list doesn’t get any shorter on its own and you don’t know what to do next. You would like to create some space in your head, but you never quite manage it. The more time goes by, the more you feel a certain tension building up i
  5. Regularly measuring your blood pressure - a practice beneficial to all

    Regularly measuring your blood pressure - a practice beneficial to all
    Hypertension affects 20% of the population. According to forecasts, this is expected to reach 50% by 2025. Generally, this vascular disorder mainly affects elderly people. Nevertheless, nobody is safe from it, whatever their age. Of course, our modern lifestyles expose us to numerous stressful situa
  6. How to strengthen your immune system?

    How to strengthen your immune system?
    Recently the temperature outdoors has been yo-yoing. To our delight, it has been very mild for several days, but much cooler temperatures are around the corner. So watch out for microbes and viruses that will be resuming their activities. The best ally to avoid them as far as possible is your immune
  7. How to feel the benefits of the sun while protecting your skin?

    How to feel the benefits of the sun while protecting your skin?
    It can never be said enough - protecting your skin from the harmful rays of the sun is important! But that doesn’t mean avoiding it like the plague and holing yourself up like a vampire at the first sign of it! While the sun definitely has its downsides, it is still a primordial factor in our heal
  8. What are the benefits of a sweat suit?

    What are the benefits of a sweat suit?
    We can never repeat it enough: the best way to lose weight is to combine a healthy diet with regular exercise. When exercising, the activity induces an increase in body heat, forcing the body to regulate it. This natural phenomenon, well known to all, is called sweating. Apart from its temperature-r
  9. Air humidifier for children - for guaranteed comfort in their bedrooms

    Air humidifier for children - for guaranteed comfort in their bedrooms
    Does your child have dry skin and a sore throat, or suffer from minor respiratory complaints? The cause of these problems could be the dryness of the air. If this is the case, don’t panic - an air humidifier for children enables you to restore the level of humidity in your child’s bedroom - and thro
  10. 5 tips for a simple and energising detox plan

    5 tips for a simple and energising detox plan
    The days are getting longer and the sun is shining. Winter is almost over and the time has come for that personal spring clean. Embarking on a detox plan is the best wake-up call you can give your body after its winter hibernation!Need to recharge your batteries, relieve stress or lose some weight?