My wellness

  1. Introducing the Tone & Shape Kit

    Introducing the Tone & Shape Kit
    We are very proud to introduce you to two kits that we have designed and developed for your well-being and fitness. You want to look after yourself and live healthily, but the hectic pace of your everyday life leaves you almost no time to go to the gym... So what if the fitness programme came to you
  2. Relieving the stress of work with yoga

    Relieving the stress of work with yoga
    Poor posture at work, long hours sitting in front of the computer, fast-paced days and a busy head? That's a perfect recipe for an exhausted mind and and weakened body. Yoga can help reduce work-related pains.  Yoga to relieve your stressed body Your office chair is your single worst enemy! Your
  3. Why family yoga is a great idea!

    Why family yoga is a great idea!
    Summer is already well under way, but there are still a few weeks left before the end of the holidays. You're done with visiting zoos and amusement parks, and now you're looking for something original and healthy to do to make the most of your time together as a family... Thought about yoga? Family
  4. How to stay in shape when your time is overstretched

    How to stay in shape when your time is overstretched
    We know that work, children, household chores, and everything else take up a lot of our time. All too often, the result is a shortage of time for ourselves, to indulge and take care of ourselves. Nevertheless, even on busy days, we still get little moments of downtime - held up in traffic jams, wai
  5. Our pre-summer Lanaform routines

    Our pre-summer Lanaform routines
    The end of the school year is approaching - and so too are the holidays. Before this more than pleasant period begins, here is our checklist of little routines for getting ready for the arrival of summer. What with your darling offspring's exams, the stress of work and the urge to fine-tune your fig
  6. Electrostimulation for intense relaxation

    Electrostimulation for intense relaxation
    Backache? Neck pain? Sore shoulders? Do these symptoms sound familiar? In a previous article, we looked at the benefits of electrostimulation in the cosmetic and sports sectors and saw how it's possible to improve sports performance by using electrostimulation. But did you know that it's also a usef
  7. Improve your sports performance with electrostimulation

    Improve your sports performance with electrostimulation
    Have you heard of electrostimulation and the benefits that it can bring? If you haven't yet, you need to arrange a catch-up session... Muscular electrostimulation is a recognised technique in the fields of medicine and sports, combining improvement in everyday well-being with physical activity. So,
  8. Spring challenge: get your toned look back

    Spring challenge: get your toned look back
    As the days get longer, our motivation improves. Winter is behind us and our need to hide away is receding. It’s time to make the most of the good weather and fill your lungs with fresh air. Our summer clothes are beckoning, but there’s no disguising the excess of hearty winter meals. Don’t worry -
  9. Staying in shape at home? I'm up for it!

    Staying in shape at home? I'm up for it!
    So, you’ve decided to get back into an exercise routine this year. To do that, you’ve paid for your gym membership, bought the equipment you need and spent the first three weeks swearing resolutely that this year you will take care of yourself. But doing exercise every day takes time and effort, an
  10. Goodbye sad, I'm getting my mojo back!

    Goodbye sad, I'm getting my mojo back!
    2018 is well under way - and have your New Year’s resolutions already been pushed to one side? It’s difficult to stay motivated. Our mood is all wrong, tiredness is constantly hounding us and the frankly bleak weather isn’t helping at all. But, chin up, this little reminder of everyday tips you can
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